If you want to send money to help the Palestinian cause, there is a high chance your payment might get blocked somewhere. Same thing if you want to make a game about the Palestine experience and are trying to get it published in the app stores.
Continue reading “In reaction to censorship and the genocide in Gaza, the Muslim community creates its own technological infrastructure”Halal tech: how Muslim-friendly websites and apps blossomed in 2024
With firms such as Makani and Boycat, founders answer a growing demand: help their users support Palestinians.
By Johana Bhuiyan for The Guardian on January 2, 2025
Airbnb pricing algorithm led to increased racial disparities, study finds
Low uptake of ‘Smart Pricing’ feature among black hosts increased earnings gap.
By Dave Lee and Madhumita Murgia for Financial Times on May 13, 2021
Uber-racist: Racial discrimination in dynamic pricing algorithms
Racial discrimination in dynamic pricing algorithms is neither surprising nor new. VentureBeat writes about another recent study that supports these findings, in the context of dynamic pricing algorithms used by ride-hailing companies such as Uber, Lyft and other apps. Neighbourhoods that were poorer and with larger non-white populations were significantly associated with higher fare prices. A similar issue was discovered in Airbnb’s ‘Smart Pricing’ feature which aims to help hosts secure more bookings. It turned out to be detrimental to black hosts leading to greater social inequality (even if unintentional).
Continue reading “Uber-racist: Racial discrimination in dynamic pricing algorithms”