In Spain, an algorithm used by police to ‘combat’ gender violence determines whether women live or die

Lobna Hemid. Stefany González Escarraman. Eva Jaular (and her 11-month-old baby). The lives of these three women and an infant, amongst many others, tragically ended due to gender-related killings in Spain. As reported in this article, they were all classified as “low” or “negligible” risk by VioGén, despite reporting abuse to the police. In the case of Lobna Hemid, after reporting her husband’s abuse to the police and being assessed as “low risk” by VioGén, the police provided her with minimal protection, and weeks later, her husband stabbed her to death.

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Sweden’s Suspicion Machine

Behind a veil of secrecy, the social security agency deploys discriminatory algorithms searching for fraud epidemic it has invented.

By Ahmed Abdigadir, Anna Tiberg, Daniel Howden, Eva Constantaras, Frederick Laurin, Gabriel Geiger, Henrik Malmsten, Iben Ljungmark, Justin-Casimir Braun, Sascha Granberg, and Thomas Molén for Lighthouse Reports on November 27, 2024

Gecontroleerde (oud-)studenten met uitwonendenbeurs krijgen geld terug

Het kabinet betaalt boetes en teruggevorderde studiefinanciering terug aan (oud-)studenten die de uitwonendenbeurs ontvingen. Dat doet het kabinet omdat in het selectieproces van de controles op de uitwonendenbeurs sprake was van indirecte discriminatie. Het bewijs dat bij deze controles is verkregen om te besluiten of iemand wel of niet uitwonend was, had niet gebruikt mogen worden. Dat maakt de besluiten onrechtmatig en deze worden daarom teruggedraaid, schrijft minister Bruins (Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap) aan de Tweede Kamer. Hij reserveert € 61 miljoen om de zaak recht te zetten.

From Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs (DUO) on November 11, 2024

Dutch government has to pay back 61 million euros to students who were discriminated against through DUO’s fraud profiling operation

We’ve written twice before about the racist impact of DUO’s student fraud detection efforts. The Dutch government has now decided to pay back all the fines and the study financing they held back for all students that were checked between 2012 and 2023.

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Racist Technology in Action: Anti-money laundering efforts by Dutch banks disproportionately affect people with a non-Western migration background

Banks have a requirement to ‘know their customers’ and to look for money laundering and the financing of terrorism. Their vigilante efforts lead to racist outcomes.

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Na het toeslagen schandaal, waarbij onder andere veel eenoudergezinnen en gezinnen met een migratieachtergrond onterecht van fraude werden beschuldigd, werd pijnlijk duidelijk dat niet alleen mensen discrimineren, maar algoritmes ook

Er werd beloofd dat deze systemen eerlijker zouden worden, maar uit het nieuwe jaarverslag van de Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens blijkt dat er sindsdien weinig is verbeterd. Algoritmes categoriseren mensen met bepaalde kenmerken nog steeds onterecht als risico. Noëlle Cecilia, medeoprichter van Brush AI (@ai.brush) was zondag te gast bij Mandy. Zij maakt algoritmes voor bedrijven en deed een jaar lang onderzoek naar de eerlijkheid en discriminatie ervan. Zij legt ons uit waarom de mindset moet veranderen bij het ontwikkelen van AI-systemen.

By Noëlle Cecilia for Instagram on July 9, 2024

How and why algorithms discriminate

Automated decision-making systems contain hidden discriminatory prejudices. We’ll explain the causes, possible consequences, and the reasons why existing laws do not provide sufficient protection against algorithmic discrimination.

By Pie Sombetzki for AlgorithmWatch on June 26, 2024

Racist Technology in Action: AI detection of emotion rates Black basketball players as ‘angrier’ than their White counterparts

In 2018, Lauren Rhue showed that two leading emotion detection software products had a racial bias against Black Men: Face++ thought they were more angry, and Microsoft AI thought they were more contemptuous.

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Racist Technology in Action: and discriminatory predation is one of those immoral American companies that collect personal information to sell onwards as profiles on the one hand, while at the same suggesting to the people that are being profiled that incriminating information about them exists online that they can get removed by buying a subscription (that then does nothing and auto-renews in perpetuity).

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Students with a non-European migration background had a 3.0 times higher chance of receiving an unfounded home visit from the Dutch student grants fraud department

Last year, Investico revealed how DUO, the Dutch organization for administering student grants, was using a racist algorithm to decide which students would get a home visit to check for fraudulent behaviour. The Minister of Education immediately stopped the use of the algorithm.

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Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs dislikes the conclusions of a solid report that marks their visa process as discriminatory so buys a shoddy report saying the opposite

For more than a year now, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs has ignored advice from its experts and continued its use of discriminatory risk profiling of visa applicants.

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Vervolgonderzoek bevestigt indirecte discriminatie controles uitwonendenbeurs

DUO heeft de onafhankelijke stichting Algorithm Audit vervolgonderzoek laten doen naar de manier waarop DUO tussen 2012 en 2023 controleerde of een student terecht studiefinanciering ontving voor uitwonende studenten of niet. De conclusies van het vervolgonderzoek bevestigen dat studenten met een migratieachtergrond hierbij indirect zijn gediscrimineerd.

From Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs (DUO) on May 21, 2024

Fouten herstellen we later wel: hoe de gemeente een dubieus algoritme losliet op Rotterdammers

Het was te mooi om waar te zijn: een algoritme om fraude in de bijstand op te sporen. Ondanks waarschuwingen bleef de gemeente Rotterdam er bijna vier jaar lang in geloven. Een handjevol ambtenaren, zich onvoldoende bewust van ethische risico’s, kon jarenlang ongestoord experimenteren met de data van kwetsbare mensen.

By Romy van Dijk and Saskia Klaassen for Vers Beton on October 23, 2023

Racist Technology in Action: The UK Home Office’s Sorting Algorithm and the Racist Violence of Borders

In 2020, two NGOs finally forced the UK Home Office’s hand, compelling it to abandon its secretive and racist algorithm for sorting visitor visa applications. Foxglove and The Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants (JCWI) had been battling the algorithm for years, arguing that it is a form of institutionalized racism and calling it “speedy boarding for white people.”

Continue reading “Racist Technology in Action: The UK Home Office’s Sorting Algorithm and the Racist Violence of Borders”

Borders and Bytes

So-called “smart” borders are just more sophisticated sites of racialized surveillance and violence. We need abolitionist tools to counter them.

By Ruha Benjamin for Inquest on February 13, 2024

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