Fouten herstellen we later wel: hoe de gemeente een dubieus algoritme losliet op Rotterdammers

Het was te mooi om waar te zijn: een algoritme om fraude in de bijstand op te sporen. Ondanks waarschuwingen bleef de gemeente Rotterdam er bijna vier jaar lang in geloven. Een handjevol ambtenaren, zich onvoldoende bewust van ethische risico’s, kon jarenlang ongestoord experimenteren met de data van kwetsbare mensen.

By Romy van Dijk and Saskia Klaassen for Vers Beton on October 23, 2023

The Great White Robot God

It may seem improbable at first glance to think that there might be connections between the pursuit of artificial general intelligence (AGI) and white supremacy. Yet the more you examine the question the clearer and more disturbing the links get.

By David Golumbia for David Golumbia on Medium on January 21, 2019

Google does performative identity politics, nonpologises, pauses their efforts, and will invariably move on to its next shitty moneymaking move

In a shallow attempt to do representation for representation’s sake, Google has managed to draw the ire of the right-wing internet by generating historically inaccurate and overly inclusive portraits of historical figures.

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‘Vergeet de controlestaat, we leven in een controlemaatschappij’

Volgens bijzonder hoogleraar digitale surveillance Marc Schuilenburg hebben wij geen geheimen meer. Bij alles wat we doen kijkt er wel iets of iemand mee die onze gangen registreert. We weten het, maar doen er gewoon aan mee. Zo diep zit digitale surveillance in de haarvaten van onze samenleving: ‘We herkennen het vaak niet eens meer.’

By Marc Schuilenburg and Sebastiaan Brommersma for Follow the Money on February 4, 2024

Machine Learning and the Reproduction of Inequality

Machine learning is the process behind increasingly pervasive and often proprietary tools like ChatGPT, facial recognition, and predictive policing programs. But these artificial intelligence programs are only as good as their training data. When the data smuggle in a host of racial, gender, and other inequalities, biased outputs become the norm.

By Catherine Yeh and Sharla Alegria for SAGE Journals on November 15, 2023

This is how AI image generators see the world

Artificial intelligence image tools have a tendency to spin up disturbing clichés: Asian women are hypersexual. Africans are primitive. Europeans are worldly. Leaders are men. Prisoners are Black.

By Kevin Schaul, Nitasha Tiku and Szu Yu Chen for Washington Post on November 20, 2023

AI is nog lang geen wondermiddel – zeker niet in het ziekenhuis

Tumoren ontdekken, nieuwe medicijnen ontwikkelen – beloftes genoeg over wat kunstmatige intelligentie kan betekenen voor de medische wereld. Maar voordat je zulk belangrijk werk kunt overlaten aan technologie, moet je precies snappen hoe die werkt. En zover zijn we nog lang niet.

By Maurits Martijn for De Correspondent on November 6, 2023

AI is bevooroordeeld. Wiens schuld is dat?

Ik ga in gesprek met Cynthia Liem. Zij is onderzoeker op het gebied van betrouwbare en verantwoorde kunstmatige intelligentie aan de TU Delft. Cynthia is bekend van haar analyse van de fraudedetectie-algoritmen die de Belastingdienst gebruikte in het toeslagenschandaal.

By Cynthia Liem and Ilyaz Nasrullah for BNR Nieuwsradio on October 20, 2023

Use of machine translation tools exposes already vulnerable asylum seekers to even more risks

The use of and reliance on machine translation tools in asylum seeking procedures has become increasingly common amongst government contractors and organisations working with refugees and migrants. This Guardian article highlights many of the issues documented by Respond Crisis Translation, a network of people who provide urgent interpretation services for migrants and refugees. The problems with machine translation tools occur throughout the asylum process, from border stations to detention centers to immigration courts.

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Al Jazeera asks: Can AI eliminate human bias or does it perpetuate it?

In its online series of digital dilemmas, Al Jazeera takes a look at AI in relation to social inequities. Loyal readers of this newsletter will recognise many of the examples they touch on, like how Stable Diffusion exacerbates and amplifies racial and gender disparities or the Dutch childcare benefits scandal.

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­Data Work and its Layers of (In)visibility

No technology has seemingly steam-rolled through every industry and over every community the way artificial intelligence (AI) has in the past decade. Many speak of the inevitable crisis that AI will bring. Others sing its praises as a new Messiah that will save us from the ails of society. What the public and mainstream media hardly ever discuss is that AI is a technology that takes its cues from humans. Any present or future harms caused by AI are a direct result of deliberate human decisions, with companies prioritizing record profits, in an attempt to concentrate power by convincing the world that technology is the only solution to societal problems.

By Adrienne Williams and Milagros Miceli for Just Tech on September 6, 2023

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