We are a public benefit organization (in Dutch: an ANBI). We are therefore obliged to publish the following information on our website:
Name of the foundation
Officially the organization is called ‘Stichting Racism and Technology Center’, but we prefer to go by just ‘Racism and Technology Center’.
RSIN and Chamber of Commerce numbers
Our RSIN (Legal Entities and Partnerships Identification Number) is: 862916355.
Our Chamber of Commerce (KvK) number is: 83559167.
Contact details
The postal address of the foundation is:
Racism and Technology Center
Waterkersweg 212
1051 PG Amsterdam
Our email address is: mail@racismandtechnology.center.
Our phone number is: +31 20 369 4097.
Purpose of the foundation
In Dutch our goal is listed as follows:
Het doel van de stichting is sociaal-maatschappelijk onrecht, waaronder begrepen racisme, tegen te gaan met name op het raakvlak met technologie, de maatschappelijke bewustwording hierover te vergroten en om bij te dragen aan een meer gelijkwaardige en rechtvaardige samenleving.
In English our mission statement is:
The Racism and Technology Center uses technology as a mirror to reflect and make visible existing racist practices in Dutch society. As a knowledge center, we provide a platform, resources, knowledge, skills and legitimacy to anti-racism and digital rights organizations to help them create understanding of how racism is manifested in technology with the goal of dismantling systems of oppression and injustice.
The statutes of the foundation are available here.
Highlights of the policy plan
A list of our current activities is available here.
Our directors
An up-to-date overview of the positions and names of our board of directors is available here.
Payment policy
The members of the board receive no remuneration for their work other than for any necessary expenses they make for the foundation. Our statutes say the following about the compensation for the board (from article 5.7, in Dutch):
Bestuursleden ontvangen voor hun werkzaamheden geen andere beloning dan een vergoeding voor gemaakte kosten.
There is currently no personnel.
Report of the activities of the foundation
It is best to look at our front page to get an overview of our recent activities or our press page to see where we’ve made the news.
Financials of the foundation
- Financial report (jaarrekening) for 2024
- Financial report (jaarrekening) for 2023
- Financial report (jaarrekening) for 2022
Banking details
Account holder: Racism and Technology Center
IBAN: NL62TRIO0320326969
Bank: Triodos Bank NV, Postbus 55, 3700 AB, Zeist